Review: Crackdown 2

Review: Crackdown 2
All right Agents, Pacific City is in danger and we only have but a few brave clones to stop the threat from getting worse. If you have the guts to take on “Cell” gang members that have over run the city and in the late evenings Mutations that storm the streets attacking all in their ...

Review: Transformers War For Cybertron

Review: Transformers War For Cybertron
How many of you know what a civil war is? Well if you follow Transformers, there is a war going on to see who will rule over all of Cybertron. A war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and it is up to you to decide who shall win, since there can only be one ...

Review: Color Cross iPhone Edition

Review: Color Cross iPhone Edition
Usually I don’t review games but when it comes to Picross aka Oneki. I’m open to trying it, I love Picross. Always have, but not every one can get it right. Only Picross titles that I’ve loved are both distributed from Nintendo, one from Jupiter and one from Hudson (Japanese DSiware). It’s a shame Nintendo ...

Review: Super Street Fighter IV

Review: Super Street Fighter IV
When Capcom announced that they were releasing updated version of Street Fighter IV, a full year after the original game. The common reaction from the internet gaming community was a collective groan. At the time of the news, we didn’t know much about the game. Capcom was reverting to a time period when gamers were not ...

Review: Splinter Cell Conviction

Review: Splinter Cell Conviction
If you’ve lost a loved one by another person’s hands, how far would you go for vengeance? I’ve heard that “The further you go into the world of demons; you might find a devil waiting for your soul!” In Sam Fisher’s case the devil might want to make other arrangements. In Splinter Cell, Sam is ...

Review: Banksy Movie “Exit Through The Gift Shop”

So this weekend, we got to go and see the new Banksy movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop”.  I had some mixed feelings about the movie. One I was totally stoked at the fact that I got to see the Banksy’s studio in the UK.  Also it was great to see how some of my ...

Review: God Of War III

Review: God Of War III
There is a saying, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, but fool me a third time and I shall UNLEASH A PUNISHMENT UPON YOU AND ANY GOD THAT GETS IN MY PATH!!” Kratos, once the God of War, is stripped from his title and now facing his final battle ...

Mini Review: Dante’s Inferno PSP

Mini Review: Dante's Inferno PSP
Have you ever wished you could take one of your console games on the road with you? Here is your chance with the release of Dante’s inferno on the Playstation Portable. It is the exact same game but now travel sized with the same option of punishing or heal the damned in the 9 levels ...

Review: Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing

Welcome race fans to the next generation of wacky races brought to you by Sega. Which of you ever wanted to take on Sonic Hedgehog on even ground? That is right- you put his Hedgehog self right behind the steering wheel where you and a bunch of other all stars can take him on in ...

Review: Dante’s Inferno

Review: Dante's Inferno
How far are you willing to go for someone you love? Would you be able to stare death in the face and tell him to go F**k himself? Depending on how deep your love is for someone, you just might have the power to do anything to free their soul from hell’s sanctum. Prepare yourselves ...