Review: Color Cross iPhone Edition

Usually I don’t review games but when it comes to Picross aka Oneki. I’m open to trying it, I love Picross. Always have, but not every one can get it right. Only Picross titles that I’ve loved are both distributed from Nintendo, one from Jupiter and one from Hudson (Japanese DSiware). It’s a shame Nintendo hasn’t ported over their SNES or NES titles, those were good. Anyway, I thought Color Cross would have been promising because they are also releasing a DS title, but I was wrong. The puzzles try to be hard but aren’t in the slightest. Each 10 x 10 square has three different colors and basically you end up filling the entire 10 x 10 square with different color with no real pattern. I guess they didn’t gt the memo that Picross is meant to make patterns not a bunch of colors that make no pattern. When you finish filling in the 10 x 10 square, you unlock pieces from a puzzle. At first I thought the puzzles I was solving were part of the bigger pattern, but I was wrong again. It wasn’t even related. The controls weren’t any better, for some reason they thought that it would be cool to move the puzzle board around the screen, it became useless and messed up a bunch of my puzzles. The game wiuld either think i was moving the board or trying to color something I wasn’t. Color Cross is yet another failed attempt at Picross. When is a company besides Nintendo going to come out with a promising Picross game?