Review: Crackdown 2

Review: Crackdown 2
All right Agents, Pacific City is in danger and we only have but a few brave clones to stop the threat from getting worse. If you have the guts to take on “Cell” gang members that have over run the city and in the late evenings Mutations that storm the streets attacking all in their ...

Review: Transformers War For Cybertron

Review: Transformers War For Cybertron
How many of you know what a civil war is? Well if you follow Transformers, there is a war going on to see who will rule over all of Cybertron. A war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and it is up to you to decide who shall win, since there can only be one ...

First Impression: Crackdown 2

First Impression: Crackdown 2
Greetings Agents and welcome back to a newly revamped Pacific City where crime and corruption has taken over and it is up to the Agency to take on these new enemies. I know it sounds tough but suck it up and get ready to take down not only gangs but legions of mutations that take ...

Things We’re Diggin’: Azureus Rising

Thanks to my room mate Drakaz for bringing this concept film to my attention. There is not much known of this hope to be a movie trilogy but I thought that it needed to be shared with everyone. I shall give you a quick synopsis of the story, ” Azureus is the story of a ...

E3 Preview: Need For Speed Hot Pursuit

E3 Preview: Need For Speed Hot Pursuit
The time has finally come where EA finally released a new Need for Speed Hot Pursuit title and with some nice additions from the old version. If you are too young to remember the hot pursuit series; it is okay because now you get to try it out but this time with full online with ...

First Impression: N3 II

Greetings gamers, this is my first impression of Nintey Nine Nights 2 for the Xbox 360. This is the demo that is available right now for download; so if you still not sure if you want to give this game a test run I hope this video gives you a change of heart. I hope ...

Preview: SplatterHouse “Make a Wish”

Preview: SplatterHouse
How far does love take you? At times love can take you to a wonderful place where you can be at peace with one another. In Rick’s case love is going to be a test of courage that will lead him toward a hellish world where he’ll prove how much he is willing to go ...

Things We’re Diggin’: Space Invaders Business Card

Things We’re Diggin’: Space Invaders Business Card
Greetings all that appreciate things that is new and innovating. I will break this down to you on this awesome discovery, real simple my boss sends me an e-mail asking me to do a write up and I click the link to see a post about Space Invaders Business Card; at first it sounded cool ...

Preview: Deus Ex Human Evolution

Greetings gamers and welcome to this preview of “Deus Ex Human Evolution”. Those of you that are not familiar with the series “Deus Ex” was set in 2050 in a dystopia world, an anti-terrorist coalition agent named JC Denton uncovers an old conspiracy while battling terrorist threats which is turning the world into utter chaos. ...

WTF GAMERS!?!: Sequels

Welcome everyone to this week’s “WTF GAMERS!?!” topic is “Sequels”, the topic has been on the tongues of a lot gamers for a while. The reason gamers have been complaining about sequels is because they don’t seem to feel like sequels at all; more like DLC or expansions. In my opinion it has been like ...