Review: Dead Space 3 ‘Awakened’ DLC (PS3)

Review: Dead Space 3 'Awakened' DLC (PS3)
So I was able to finally convince Alexis to play Dead Space 3 Awakened, after constantly coming up with excuses not to play it due to her scaerdypantsitis (it’s totally a real word). This $10 DLC definitely ramped up the horror, something that was kinda lacking in the main game but it was not without ...

Dead Space 3: Awakened DLC Trailer

Dead Space 3: Awakened DLC Trailer
Alexis and I had a great time slaying Necromorphs in Dead Space 3 co-op but one complaint that I had about the game was that it wasn’t scary, at least for me it wasn’t. Apparently a lot of people felt this way about the game and the creators of the game saw this too so ...