GTA Online Capture Creator Coming this Friday – Get Double GTA$ & RP on Capture Jobs Now


This Friday, April 11th, we’ll be adding the ability for players to construct their own Capture Jobs with the GTA Online Creator tool. This update will let players create Jobs across any of the four Capture Job variants (Contend, GTA, Hold and Raid) and publish them for all to play, rate and share via the Rockstar Games Social Club.

In honor of this forthcoming update, and to help players hone their skills for the wave of new player-made Capture creations to come – from now until Friday, playing any of the official Capture Jobs in GTA Online will earn players twice as much GTA$ and RP. Capture Mode in GTA Online is a GTA twist on classic capture the flag style confrontations that brings a whole new level of adversarial action to the world of Los Santos and Blaine County. Strategy plays a huge role as players run decoys, set traps and place obstacles to ensure their enemies don’t get close to their goods.

Below are a few of the Capture Jobs we recommend you check out, and stay tuned for some tips straight from us on how to dominate at Capture Mode later this week.

Contend: Salty Snatch
Dog walkers and surfing talent agents look out – two import operations at either end of Chumash Beach are fighting over a shipment that’s landed on the pier. Any product they can get to their spot in the sand is theirs to keep.

GTA: All Abhorred
Not just for parolees and perverts anymore, a fleet of buses at the Dashound Bus Center in Downtown LS becomes a target for two teams of hoods. They compete to get buses back to their bases on either side of the city, while trying to stop the other team from doing the same.

GTA: Field of Screams
A tractor shortage in Grapeseed leads to farmyard chaos. It’s harvest time, and two rival gangs compete to bring a Fieldmaster tractor back to their bases. Farming is a deadly serious business in Blaine County.

Hold: Freight Fight
Two importers fight over rights to a shipment at the Terminal. Scrappy close quarters battle as they try to get as much product to their side of the containers as they can, and protect it when it gets there.

Raid: High Road
Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness: playground for uptight hikers, creepy bird watchers, trail mix enthusiasts and drug runners. Fight a rival crew for the rights to the tunnel shortcut to the Alamo Sea, and put them out of business by taking their product and banking it on your side of the tunnel.

Raid: Wargames
Like any military operation, when things kick off at Fort Zancudo Air Base, they escalate pretty quickly. Teams hoarding their black market profits raid each other’s bases at either end of the facility. If they get the goods back, they’re banked. Nothing’s off limits to be used here, including the fighter jets.