Silent Hill: Revelation Set Photos Leaking Out on The Net

Silent Hill: Revelation Set Photos Leaking Out on The Net
There is one thing I love about fandoms is how they band together and get set photos out to the web so everyone can get a glimpse as to what is going on. Silent Hill fans living in the Cambridge area of Canada have gone out taken some juicy shots of the Silent Hill: Revelations movie being shot. ...


The title of the article says it all. Duke Nukem is delayed AGAIN until June 10th overseas and June 14th in the United States. I’ve got nothing else to add that hasn’t already been said about this never ending saga. All I’ll say is keep waiting people.

Xperia PLAY Doing Some Pwnage In New Ads

Xperia PLAY Doing Some Pwnage In New Ads
In keeping with Sony Computer Entertainment’s tradition of making awesome commercials Sony Ericsson has come up with some really funny commercials promoting their new Xperia PLAY (aka PlayStation Phone). My favorite is the one above but they are all great. Will you be buying a Xperia PLAY to inflict some boob stabbage on your friends?

Go Voltron Force! New Images From Upcoming Animated Reboot

Go Voltron Force! New Images From Upcoming Animated Reboot
One of my absolute favorite cartoons back in the day was Voltron. I mean used to love this cartoon! I remember making tons of drawings of the lions (I wish I still had them) and always asking my parents for the full metal robot. They never did and they got me the smaller plastic version, ...

Say Whaa?! Prosthesis Painted Like Terminator Exoskeleton

Say Whaa?! Prosthesis Painted Like Terminator Exoskeleton
You know the expression “Taking lemons and turning them into lemonade”? Well this gentleman has taken that expression to a whole other level. After unfortunately losing his leg in a motorcycle accident “Captain Cripple” (as he calls himself online) decided to embrace his new prosthetic leg and turn it into a Terminator leg (well he had it painted). With ...

Donate to Japan Relief Efforts With Your PS3

Donate to Japan Relief Efforts With Your PS3
\ Sony Computer Entertainment is getting involved in the relief efforts for Japan by offering PlayStation 3 owners the opportunity to donate through the PlayStation Store. Starting today gamers can go in the store and donate $2, $5,$10, $25, or $50 from their PSN Wallet to the American Red Cross Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami ...

Things We’re Diggin’: Amy Ahlstrom-Urban Quilter

Things We're Diggin': Amy Ahlstrom-Urban Quilter
Now these are some pretty snazzy quilts. Crating quilts aren’t usually considered to be cool but Amy Ahlstrom has certainly done a good job of making them awesome. Check out some of her urban/graffiti inspired quilts below and on her site. [via Dude Craft]

Things We’re Diggin’: Scott Campbell’s ‘Noblesse Oblige’

Things We're Diggin': Scott Campbell's 'Noblesse Oblige'
Artist Scott Campbell has made a name for himself with his amazingly beautiful sculptures carved out of money and now he is debuting his work in Los Angeles this weekend. Noblesse Oblige is Campbell’s new show opening on March 19th at  OHWOW Gallery where he will be showing off more of his money carvings as ...

LOLZ…Kinect Becomes Self-Aware

LOLZ...Kinect Becomes Self-Aware
When I first played Dance Central on the Microsoft Kinect I thought this is a really cool gadget. But then when I saw that sensor following my every move all I could think of was Judgment Day when Skynet and the robots would rule the planet. The genius’ at College Humor are on the same ...

‘Silent Hill’ Alumni Return for Movie Sequel

'Silent Hill' Alumni Return for Movie Sequel
Wow! This new casting news is pretty surprising but it’s not completely unwelcomed (at least not from me). Producers Don Carmody and Samuel Hadida have announced that Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean and Deborah Kara Unger are returning for Silent Hill: Revelations to reprise their roles as Rose, Christopher, and Dahlia respectively. Their casting shines some ...