PAX EAST: Primus Vita

One of the games we got to demo at PAX East 2018 was Destination: Primus Vita from Epsilon Games. The game is a first person, narrative puzzle game that follows a space crew, in the year 3020, on a mission to retrieve water stolen from the earth by a race of aliens centuries ago. Travel to their destination will take them 4 years, so they must remain in cryo-sleep during the trip. The on board AI is preparing the crew members for their mission by stimulating their brains through puzzles and accessing each others memories, which is what the player will be unlocking. The game will be presented in 6 episodes, one for each crew member, with the first episode launching in the summer 2018. I got to try one brief tutorial and puzzle of the first episode and it was quite engaging. The creative team behind the game are made up of Ubisoft veterans who have worked on games such as Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry and Myst, and their influence is definitely noticeable in this game. I’m looking forward to seeing what other secrets are reveled in the game in the near future. Destination: Primus Vita will be released on Steam, PS4, and Xbox One.

[via Primus Vita site]