Shakespeare of the Dead DLC and Multiplayer Patch Outeth Now for The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL

Fans of typing based mutant blasters and classic English playwrights, rejoice! The Shakespeare of the Dead DLC is out now for The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL™ priced at $2.99/£1.99/€2.49 and replaces all the current words and phrases with lines from all your favorite Shakespeare plays. The multiplayer patch is also now available as a free update, unlocking two-player competitive story mode and mini-games for all.

It’s a midsummer night’s dream come true, we’re sure you’ll agree, but rather than listening to us hamlet up too much, why don’t you check out the product page on the SEGA Store here:

Shakespeare of the Dead is the first of many planned lexicon packs for The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL due over the coming months. For more information on The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL, log on