PAX East 2013: Guacamelee!

‘Member we told you guys about Guacamelee when we saw it last year at PAX East 2012, so we thought we would check up on them this year again at PAX East.  Just to see what was new with them, if you don’t know what Guacamelee is, here is a refresher.

Guacamelee! is a Metroid-vania style action platformer set in a magical Mexican-inspired world. The game draws inspiration for its unique story and characters from traditional Mexican culture and folklore. Guacamelee! builds upon the classic open-world Metroid-vania style of games by adding a strong melee combat component, a new dimension-switching mechanic, and co-operative same- screen multiplayer for the entire story. Many of the player’s moves are needed for both combat and platforming, blurring the boundaries between the two styles of gameplay.

 And here is some new stuff you might not know about Guacamelee:

  • Non-Stop Brawling Action: Play as a Luchador and punch your way through the undead menace that has invaded the world of humanity
  • Explore Parallel Worlds: Travel between the World of the Living and the World of the Dead as you trace the evil threat back to its source
  • New Moves Unlock New Areas: Access new parts of the world as you gain new wrestling moves and powers
  • Co-op Multiplayer: Play through the entire campaign with a friend via local multiplayer on the
  • PlayStation®3
    PS3 / PS Vita Cross-Save: Save on one platform, continue your progress on the other
  • PS Vita as a Controller: Use your PS Vita as a controller for the PS3 version of the game, with the Vita screen streaming your minimap at all times
  • Trophies & Leaderboards: Trophies and cross-platform competitive leaderboards supported

Definitely make sure to check this game out when it hits Playstation and PS Vita!