A Controller for your foot?

The Stinky Footboard is a PC controller for the foot, designed by and for gamers, to provide users a competitive advantage!  This does not replace the traditional keyboard and mouse, but is used in tandem with them to provide greater flexibility.  I don’t know how I feel about the controller, but it will be available for sale in June for $119.  Preorders can be placed in the coming days via their Kickstarter page, which will soon start its crowd funding. 

Benefits of the Stinkyboard controller include:

  • Allows simultaneous actions such as in FPS games players can strafe, change guns and throw a grenade without taking their fingers off the AWSD keys
  • Increases actions per minute (APMs) for RTS gamers
  • Makes it easier to access additional key bindings for MMO players
  • Shaves precious seconds off for eSports players
  • Simplifies controls for beginners
Also they are going to be at PAX EAST!