New Alan Wake Game To Be XBLA Game

So it’s been known for a while that there was to be some kind of Alan Wake continuation, but not sequel, not prequel, but in the same universe thingy. Well news first came from Geoff Keighly via his twitter that there will be a new Alan Wake game shown at the Spike Video Game Awards show. Then the website XBLAFans scored a sweet shot of the possible home screen of the new game called Alan Wake’s Night Springs (seen above). Now comes official news from Remedy Games, who posted on their Facebook page, that the game will be released as a downloadable title through XBOX Live Arcade and the first screenshot of the game will be seen in this months upcoming Game Informer magazine. Keep it here for more details about Night Springs and hopefully we will find out if it’s a lake or and ocean.

[via XBLA Fans]