Things We’re Diggin’: Mourir Auprès de Toi (To Die By Your Side) by Spike Jonze x Olympia Le-Tan

Spike Jonze has teamed with designer Olympia Le-Tan for Mourir Auprès de Toi (To Die By Your Side), a truly remarkable stop-motion short film. Set on a shelf in famed Parisian bookstore, Shakespeare and Company, the star-crossed love story tells the tale of a klutzy skeleton and his flame-haired amour, playing out amidst Le-Tan’s illustrations of iconic first-edition book covers. The project started after Jonze asked for a Catcher in the Rye embroidery to put on his wall and the plucky Le-Tan asked for a film in return. Enlisting French filmmaker Simon Cahn to co-direct, the team wrote the script between Los Angeles and Paris over a six month period, before working night and day animating the 3,000 pieces of felt Le-Tan had cut by hand.

[via HypeBeast]