Bloodbath Fall 2011 Collection “FALLEN NIGHT”

Bloodbath has taken an artistic approach for the unveiling of their Fall 2011 season.  A balance of photography and illustration takes us back to hours of our youth spent with noses buried in comic books. Straying away from the norm, this project provides glimpses of an imaginary world that knows no limits. It’s a story about painful struggles for power, with neither a beginning nor an end.

Each scene was created by shooting models in dynamic poses, then meticulously drawing over and around the garment areas.  The values were shaded with pencil and ink, scanned to a computer, and polished up digitally. The final product esults in a dark mixture of photo-realism and rugged comic art.

Each piece of clothing worn by the character is from the Bloodbath Fall 2011 Collection. Available now in their online shop and respected dealers.