Warhammer 40K Space Marines: Combat System 1

Greetings Warhammer soldiers, here is a video demonstrating the combat system of the Elite Space Marine. I stated before in my post and as corrected many times by fans; Warhammer was the start of the super soldier fantasy genre. In terms of human augmentation, fantastic weaponry and being able to deal with a lot of adversaries by yourself if need be! This game will focus on you being a big badass and there will be no cover system….Oh no, the developers want you to go into battle full force and feeling like a force that can not be taken down! I do hope you enjoy the video below and please be sure to check out our E3 coverage this week coming, stay frosty gamers!

One comment on “Warhammer 40K Space Marines: Combat System

  1. Thom 'T' Hannigan Jun 5,2011 2:52 am

    I salute the guys at THQ…. they kept this as true to the books/game as they could and this looks FANTASTIC!!!

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