E3 2011: Wii U 3rd Party Sizzle Reel Featured PS3/360 Footage

While Nintendo was busy selling gamers on the “Experience” of the Wii U controller during their press conference everyone watching got to see what third party games would look like on the new console. One problem, that nice sizzle reel everyone was “experiencing” was footage from PS3 & 360 versions of the games. This was revealed by Nintendo America President Reggie Fils-Aime in an interview done with Geoff Keighley on Gametrailers.com (it’s a great interview that I recommend is worth a watch). Now granted he said that while it’s early and the developers haven’t had time to play with the Wii U hardware and put their games on it, one has to ask why even show footage of games that are running on rival platforms in your press conference? Whether or not this console can make these 3rd party games look this good on the Wii U the fact remains that showing this video now means that you have to deliver on a promise to make the games look this good despite focusing the conference on your controller and not your console hardware. I just think it is a peculiar move on Nintendo’s part. Check out the sizzle reel in question below.

[via Destructoid]