PAX EAST 2011: Orcs Must Die

Orcs Must Die, is another tower defense game, but unlike most tower defense games this one isn’t 2D.  It’s 3D, which runs off the Trinity Vision Engine.  It’s an action strategy/tower defense.

Orcs Must Die! challenges players to defend fortresses under siege. With a wide variety of traps and weapons to choose from, Orcs Must Die! dares players to find the best ways to hack, launch, flatten, gibletize, and incinerate an endless army of filthy orcs and their vile allies. Orcs Must Die! features a vibrant look, addictive gameplay, and a blatant disregard for the welfare of orcs.

The object of the game is keep intruders of getting your magic rifts.  It’s slated to come out on PC, XBLA ,PSN for early Summer.

If you wanna check out more check out there site.