Review: Fist Of The North Star Ken’s Rage

It is a post apocalyptic world where only your life has worth or meaning. The most precious treasures are not of money but water, food and plants which have become almost non-existent. The world has become more barbaric where people are being slaughtered liked cattle by those who feel that might is the only thing that is right. It takes one man to be a hero for the people so there can be a civilized world once again; it is up to Kenshiro’s fist to bring justice and to end the evil that has been brought upon the people. Based on the famed Manga and Anime series, I present to you Fist of the North Star Ken’s Rage. If you are ready for battle continue after jump!

If you’re  unfamiliar with the story, let me give you a quick synopsis of the story. I stated earlier that the world is in turmoil, but the story is about a martial arts master named Kenshiro, who travels the world with his love Yuiria trying to replant the earth. Through his travels, Kenshiro has a reunion with his brother Shin the Conquerer, however its not a pleasant one.  His brother Shin, believes that only the strongest of the two is worthy of Yuiria’s hand. It is said that the North and Southern fist must never fight, however there is no option and the brothers must fight. The result is tragic, Kenshiro loses. The story goes from revitalizing the earth to vengeance. Without Yuiria there is no future since she holds the seeds to restore life back to the planet. The quest starts off with you using only your skills to fight through your adversaries “Dynasty Warriors” style, but I found it more interesting even it is using that game style.

It is true that this is using the same game style as the Dynasty Warriors game, but it has its differences. An interesting classic storyline and the combat is a lot of fun with the different specials and combos. The main tag line is “You are already dead!” which comes about in the fighting style you use.  The fighting style allows you to use pressure point hits that deal instant death. Once you see electricity spark through your enemies body, which you follow up by using the a hard attack which will end their life. Since the gameplay is set up this way, you can totally hit multiple opponents at once.  The only reason why this style works so well with Ken’s Rage because this is how the anime began. The only time you have a one on one match with certain baddies is when its a boss, and those battles are actually difficult enough to make you think tactically rather than button smashing.

The game of course will feature an RPG elements where you spend the points to obtain strength. It also rewards you for defeating certain enemies which unlocks more special “signature finishing” moves. The Meridian Chart which will be pictured in the torso of your character, it unlocks like a grid with the points you’ve earn. It is up to you which points of the grid you want to upgrade, these also unlock special combos and “signature finishing” moves. Once you unlock more special finishers you can assign them on the D-pad. The finishing moves have a meter that tells you how much energy it will cost to use the move, so try to save up as much as you can for each fight.

The game will focus on Kenshiro’s story but the more you progress the more characters you will unlock. This is where the replay value comes benefits the player, especially when you can go back to levels that you conquered to unlock certain areas that only can be open with one of your special spirit moves.

In the other modes,”Legend Mode”, “Dream Mode”, and “Challenge Mode”, you will be able to play as the other heroes and villains. “Legend Mode” is the main story of the manga.  “Dream mode” is playing the game based on an original story outside of the manga.  “Challenge mode” pits you against bosses which puts you in a ranking system. The game also features a local two player mode so it gives you more of the classic beat ’em up feel.  There is also a gallery area, where you can additional information for fans, as well as listen to the game’s soundtrack.

The game is made by Koei.  The game is repetitive, so you will be fighting multiple enemies of the same nature using the same tactics. But its not that bad cause it stays true to the anime. The game works out well. The other downside that some fans might have a problem with is the voice acting, please for all that is holy change the language from English to Japanese. It is a whole lot better viewing the cut-scenes’ and much more tolerable when fighting in game.

The bottom line, Fist of the North Star Ken’s Rage is a BUY. It offers what gamers want besides having to use the Dynasty Warriors Engine the game is really fun.  There is a good amount of game hours that can be put in, so that’s a plus too. The price maybe high but you actually get your money’s worth with all the replay value and the different characters to choose from while playing the original story. I am off for now to finish the fight and try to save the world by making enemies explode with my fist of fury, while replanting the earth. I hope you try it out and as always gamers stay frosty!


  • Developer: Omega Force
  • Publisher: Tecmo Koei
  • Players: 1-2
  • Rating: M for Mature
  • Required HD Space: 3.2gb