Donald Glover @ Comix = AWESOMENESS

So one day I was on my way home from work (I work in Chelsea Market), and was standing at the bus stop on 14th and 9th avenue, when I look across the street and see this place called Comix.  I knew what it was, but never really ever had a reason to go there and see any shows (they’re a comedy club).  Anyway, I was standing at the bus stop (while on the phone with Dre) looking at the TV screens they have in the windows showcasing who’s performing there.  When all of a sudden I scream into the phone, the dialogue went something like:


Dre: What?

Me: Guess who’s at Comix?

Dre: WTF is Comix?

Me: A comedy club, just guess!

Dre: Who?

Me: Donald Glover!!!

Dre: Donald Glover?

Me: Troy!

Dre: When is he showing?

Me: This weekend!

Before I could get home I get an email, “Thank You for purchasing tickets at Comix”. Needless to say I was pumped!

Donald Glover is by far the most down to earth comic I’ve ever seen.  He was hilarious, and not only him but the people that performed before him.  Sean Patton hosted, who was hilarious.  Hannibal Buress also performed and if you don’t know who he is you should.  He sketches were hilarious and made me want to see more of his work, as well as Sean’s work.

Right off the bat, Donald said don’t expect no Community bullshit, we’re going to be talking about dicks, farts, pussies and everything else gross you can think of.  Which is exactly what he spoke about, I thought he was great.  I didn’t expect anything but the best from him and I wasn’t disappointed.  After his show, he was hanging at the bar, but I was soo tired that we headed home.  Next time he’s in town, I’m definitely going to see him again!  For those of you that missed it or didn’t know that he was here in town, sorry.  Maybe next time!