PSP Review: Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier


Naughty Dog creators of Jak and Daxter series has come back to the portable scene with Jak and Daxter the Lost Frontier. This time you team up with both heroes on this interesting journey to search for different sources of “Eco” which in this universe is the energy source that could save them from dark times. Interested? Well keep reading for more on this PSP review.

The world is becoming dry of eco and dark times are coming quick. It is up to Jak and Keira to embark on a dangerous exhibition to the edge of the world in search of ancient Precursor technology. If they find this ancient machine they could reverse the planets destruction and possibly restore the eco energy source. However with every hero there are enemies lurking and this time Sky Pirates are also after what he seeks but Jack must control the darkness within in order to safe the world.

If you remember the old titles Jak has grown through out the years, becoming more of a strong hero type and Daxter….well he has pants on now and that’s a good thing. This time you have more than your spin attacks and magic powers to use. Jak is gifted with a rifle that can be upgraded through out the world with different components from a regular laser sighted rifle to a splatter shot gun. Gun play always comes in handy to do some killer combos. Added bonus is using your eco powers to enhance special abilities where you can use green eco to bring up platforms to get to higher places or red eco to enhance the power of your weapons with a bigger blast. Some already might know about what the dark eco does to Jak which turns him into a demon creature.

As for the side kick Daxter it seems they did not want to leave him out of this fight and allowed him to be exposed to dark eco on a side quest you will discover in the game. He is a big help in the dog right missions where you can launch him to disable other opponents planes with certain button sequences.

The main thing I like with platform titles is when they add vehicles to the mix. That is right my portable gaming friends you will not be restricted to the ground on all of your missions. There are incredible dog fights to be had in the skies with their plane. You will be able to utilize a lot of manuvers in terms of barrel rolls, 180 up loops, speed boost, and sharp turns for evasive moves. The plane also comes with upgrades that you can buy and craft onto your plane. There will be more options later on to other sky vehicles and with added custom parts and weapons brings a nice gaming feature.

The graphics are amazing for a hand-held but as many of you know the system hides it’s potential. Everything is smooth and works really well in button control. The vehicle controls are a bit stiff but you will get used to it in the long run. The cut-scenes are cute and comedic with full voice so you don’t have to read text unless you put the subtitles on.

My only complaint is some of the orb search missions in some of the towns you will visit and they only give you a small window to find them. However that’s just me and takes patience to go for them, however that is the beauty of choice. Play the game how you want to play it.

I would say this is a great game for the kids and an interesting funny title for adults who are platform fans. Since it is the holiday season I would definitely put this on the gift list as buy. It has great replay value, funny slapstick humor, geared towards everyone and a great storyline to boot with awesome characters. So be it put this in your stocking stuffer for the kids and have yourself a great holiday, stay frosty gamers!