Video: Serious Sam: BFE “Rich Knuckles”

Video: Serious Sam: BFE
The video features some SWEET footage of the split-screen co-op feature and offers (finally!) a super-duper detailed explanation of the game’s inventory system. Also, who doesn’t love Rich Knuckles? That man is pure gold.

Serious Sam 3: BFE Help Line Launches

Serious Sam 3: BFE Help Line Launches
Croteam and Devolver have launched a Serious Sam 3: BFE help line for gamers softened by years of cover-heavy shooters. With Serious Sam 3: BFE providing no real cover against unrelenting enemy hordes, a full arsenal that can be carried all at once, and wheels-off 16-player campaign co-op, fans may need a shoulder to cry on ...