PAX East 2015: What are you looking forward to?

It’s that time of the year again, its coming close to PAX East!! What are you guys looking forward.  This year we are trying some new approaches to our reviews and the type of content that we want to provide to our readers… you know?

  • I for one am going to try and bring more table top gaming reviews with Tanya, as best as we can.
  • More live streams from conventions?
  • More Kickstarters?  If that is something that you guys are interested in?
  • Do you want more tutorials on how to stream, or should we leave it solely on the YouTube channel?
  • More gaming reviews – maybe more focused on the indie games
  • Streetwear we’re still trying to work on getting into that area more and more, its not easy when companies don’t want to give you the time of day

But we ultimately would love to hear from your guys – leave a comment / tweet us / leave a Facebook comment on our page… anything and tell us what you want from us?!